SNCF Speed Indicators
A range of ATESS speed indicators homologated by SNCF (SAM-S-702) and already installed in thousands of trains.
Needle-type SNCF ATESS Speed Indicator
This speed indicator interfaces with the ATESS system and is directly powered from the train battery.
The big square dial and illuminated needle give a perfect readability of speed indication in all circumstances.
Any defect in the speed measurement is indicated by means of a Liquid Crystal Display Flag, patented by Logiplus.
Download the catalog sheet
LCD Digital-type SNCF ATESS Speed Indicator
This speed indicator interfaces with the ATESS system and is directly powered from the train battery.
The speed indication is numerical and associated with an acceleration trend indicator.
Any defect in the speed measurement is indicated by means of a Liquid Crystal Display Flag, patented by Logiplus.
Download the catalog sheet
SIL2 PC104 Board for ATESS Speed acquisition in DMI
This board is installed in the ‘Euro-KVB’ SIL2 DMI delivered to SNCF for the new Regio2N trains. It measures the ATESS speed and some logic signals at battery level. The board is SIL2 certified.