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Juridical Recorders - ERTMS

Juridical recorders and ERTMS Trainborne Recording Units with crash-resistant memory installed on board of the trains.

Trainborne Recorder NG

The Trainborne Recorder Unit is a universal Ethernet-based product that records in one unit various train information such as ERTMS signalling data, general signalling data, train diagnostic data or even video information.
The recorder is built around an Ethernet-based backbone that allows high speed data communication between the different boards and the Crash Protected Memory Module (CPMM).
The Legacy Comboard (MVB, Profibus, CAN) is available as an option for non-ethernet trains.
Web interface for the maintenance operator. Voice recoding module and input/output boards are available as options.

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Trainborne Recorder XS

The half-rack version of our Trainborne Recorder NG

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Trainborne Recorder Lite

The Trainborne Recorder Lite is a simplified version of our high-end product ‘NG’. Ethernet-based product. Compact housing made of stainless steel. Optional Crash Protected Memory Module (CPMM). Recorder and CPMM can be stacked or mounted side by side.
The recorder is built around a standard Main Board common to all applications and a specific Extension Board customized according the customer’s project requirements. Web interface for the maintenance operator.

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Crash Protected Memory Module

The Crash Protected Memory Module (CPMM) fulfils world standards such as the European EEIG 97E461.3 and the British GM/RT2472 standards.
It can be used in stand-alone mode without Trainborne Recorder and is powered by Power Over Ethernet.
A powerful embedded ARM7 processor is used for an optimal management of the memory. The ethernet 10/100 MBits link allows an optimal communication and a high data throuput.
2 GBytes of NOR flash. Multiple source simultaneous recording.

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IEEE Crash Protected Memory Module


The IEEE Crash Protected Memory Module (CPMM) fulfils the IEEE1482.1 standard.
It can be used in stand-alone mode without Trainborne Recorder and is powered by Power Over Ethernet.
A powerful embedded ARM Cortex M4 processor is used for an optimal management of the memory. The ethernet 10/100 MBits link allows an optimal communication and a high data throuput.
2 GBytes of NOR flash and up to 64 GB of storage for non juridical data. Multiple source simultaneous recording.

ERTMS Trainborne Recording Unit

The ERTMS Trainborne Recording Unit collects and stores juridical data in the crash-resistant memory module. Diagnostic and other train data are stored in the removable memory module.
Data download is achieved through the FFFIS interface or by means of an ethernet 10/100 MBits link.
Profibus and MVB interface, CAN interface, Voice recoding module and input/output boards are available as options.

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Automatische Rit Registratie - Juridical Recorder

The ARR (Automatische Rit Registratie) unit is a trainborne juridical recorder compliant with RnV-Normblad M-0002 standard and is mandatory for trains operating in ATBNG or ATBL-NL on the Netherlands network.

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